Generating a world:

To generate your first world, right-click on any folder, go to Create/InfiniteLands/SimpleWorld. This will generate a simple Scriptable Objet pre set with the default configuration of a world to be generated.

Left: Generate a Simple World, Right: Item generated

Double-clicking on the scriptable object created will allow to visualize the Node Editor

Basic setup

You can now Drag and Drop this asset into the scene, and voilà! A new terrain!

What happened?

Drag and Dropping this asset into the scene will automatically generate a GameObject with:

Making it infinite.

Another thing that this package supports out of the box is an optimized high-render distance terrain generation.

Let’s go ahead and also, for the sake of seeing the basics, make this procedural world infinite.

Delete the Single Chunk Visualizer and add a Infinite Chunk Visualizer.

Furthermore, delete the Single Chunk and replace it with a Quad Chunk. You can also delete the Mesh Renderer and the Mesh Filter since it will not be needed for the infinite generation. Let’s fill the components with the necessary data.

  • On Terrain Generator: Assign the object “World” that we created previously.
  • On Camera and on Player: Assign the Main Camera.
  • On Player: Assign the Main Camera.

It should end up looking something like this:


By pressing play, the terrain should start appearing!

Infinite terrain

💡 How can I make it look nicer?

Go through the Node Editor, and the diferent Assets available to learn how to improve the look of the world. You can also start adding diferent nodes and see how they interact with each other.

Perfect! Now look around the documentation to understand what’s going on and how to improve the look of it! Play around and find out!


If you still feel lost and don’t know where to start, I would recommend downloading some of the samples. To do so, go to Window\Infinite Lands\About and click on Import samples

From there you will have diferent samples that can be imported to play around on the scenes.

💡 Why the separation of pipelines?

You will notice that there are diferent samples for Built-in, URP and HDRP. By default Infinite Lands supports all three pipelines without any tweaking. However, each of these samples include test scenes with nice settings for each of the rendering pipelines. The main difference between the scenes is the use of camera stacking in URP and Built-in to achive high rendering distances with low shadow noise.